
Steer it up
In spite of the vast opportunities available, skid-steer loaders are still looking for a level-playing field in the Indian market.

Backhoe Loaders Get a Rural Boost
Gone were the days when the backhoe loader market was exploding in all facets of India?s infrastructure development. All recognised suppliers were registering negative to flat trajectory growth since FY 2011.

Wheel loaders - Optimising Productivity
Cycle time is a critical success factor in all bulk handling applications. Ramifications of high cycle time even extend to bulk handlers securing business. Wheel loaders are extensively used bulk handling tools wherein high productivity is of essence.

A respected professional
Sunil Tiku joined Terex Equipment (TEPL) in March 2012 as Senior Director Sales and Marketing and is responsible for delivering on Terex?s sales strategy for India and SAARC and ASEAN countries.

Versatility to Steer Growth
As the affordability of the skid steers becomes more attractive with respect to the loader backhoes, its popularity will increase among the hiring segment that will up the demand curve. The current demand for skid steer is not quite promising.

BHL Market to Grow
It?s a fact that the backhoe market has been reduced to one-third of the actual market size, and currently, supply is more compared to demand, and the industry is not very hopeful for a turnaround, especially in this financial year.

Steering the Growth
Skid steer, the little cute machine, is steadily carving a niche amidst the Goliaths of construction equipment space. Such a versatile piece of machine when clubbed with a variety of attachments, still has not got its due yet.

Moving Ahead
The growth potential for earthmoving equipment in India has never been disputed. All sectors like power, roads, ports, etc. will drive demand. With increasing investment in the infrastructure sector, the earthmoving equipment industry foresees huge demand for CE in the coming years.

BHL Continues to Rule the Roost
The world over, construction practices and methodologies determine the selection of the type of equipment, to a great extent. However, in India, backhoe loader (BHL) controls the lion's share of the total equipment sale; it is wheel loaders that dominate the Chinese CE market and crawler and mini excavators that control the European and American markets.

We will soon expand our product range for high-end customers.
We expect fuel efficiency will be the prime driving force behind the demand for BHL in the near future, says Sunil Tiku, Senior Director - Sales & Marketing, Terex India. Excerpts from the interview.